Many people feel they have enough disability insurance if they have a policy through Worksafe or they have it on their mortgage. However, you need to ask yourself if you purchased fire insurance on your home or collision on your brand new vehicle, would you be ok if the insurance only covered to the value of your home or car.
By relying on Worksafe or your mortgage insurance plan you are only covering a small portion of "your" value. Many people don't care about this because they think a disability will not happen to them anyway. Yet your chances of becoming totally disabled are far greater than your house burning down or you totaling your car
.Accidents and illness are facts in life. They can happen to anyone at any time. And in a second they can change your life forever
Consider the following:
Your chances of winning the lotto 649 draw is 1 in 13.9 million.
Your chances of dying during your working career is 1 in 8
Your chances of becoming disabled for 90 days or longer at least once prior to age 65 is 1 in 3 .
The average length of a disability which lasts over 90 days is 2.9 years.
So considering all of these stats and the fact that a long term disability is more likely to happen than anything else, and your ability to earn a living is the most valuable thing you own, Why is it that hundreds of thousands of Canadians have either no insurance or rely on Worksafe or mortgage insurance as their plan?
You can't afford to take a holiday from work for 2 or 3 years, so how long would your finances last if you couldn't work for that length of time. The solution is purchasing a personal disability plan that covers sickness or injury 24 hours, 7 days a week with no exclusions or hidden fine print. I say this because many plans sold today cover accidents only or have soft tissue injury,
depression or anxiety exclusions.
You really need to read the whole contract and understand all of the definitions and exclusions.
• Can they increase the price?
• Can they change the definitions?
• What are the definitions of disability?
• Can they cancel the contract?
• Any exclusions?
• How long does it pay?
• How many options are available?
You insure everything else, your home, car, boat, jewelry, some people even insure their golf
clubs, isn't it time you looked at insuring the machine that pays those premiums?
For more information go to www.disabilitycanhappen.org
Phil Edney
302-4400 Chatterton Way
Victoria, BC V8X 5J2
Email: info @ philedney.ca
Phone: 250.744.0015
Fax: 844.269.6752